Student & Young Professional Accommodation
Why stay in a high rise when you can stay in a home
GF- Granny flat with own kitchenette/lounge (1/2/3 bedroom) A - room in downstair part of house
F - Outside room shares house's kitchen/lounge B - room in upstair part of house
Property 13 in Rupert Street
Available now: 5
Available 2025: 5
This spacious house with living room, equipped kitchen and large pool. Includes uncapped wifi, cleaning services (and laundry), garden services, a swimming pool, safe and adequate parking. Water included; electricity prepaid..
13-A1 Brooklyn (Room 01)
Rent: R5,100 P/M.
This spacious en-suite bedroom is in a luxurious house in Brooklyn. Room leads onto a stoep - a bit private from the other roomsi. Includes uncapped wifi, cleaning services (and laundry), garden services, a swimming pool, safe and adequate parking. Water included; electricity prepaid..
13-A3 Brooklyn (Room 03)
Rent: R5,100 P/M.
This spacious en-suite bedroom is in a luxurious house in Brooklyn. Includes uncapped wifi, cleaning services (and laundry), garden services, a swimming pool, safe and adequate parking. Water included; electricity prepaid..
13-A4 Brooklyn (Room 04)
Rent: R5,100 P/M.
This spacious en-suite bedroom is in a luxurious house in Brooklyn. Includes uncapped wifi, cleaning services (and laundry), garden services, a swimming pool, safe and adequate parking. Water included; electricity prepaid..
13 - A5 Brooklyn (Room 05)
Rent: R5,600 P/M.
This spacious en-suite bedroom are inside the house.